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Mondays - ALL Pints $3  ALL NIGHT
Tuesdays - Rogue Dead Guy Ale $3 pints ALL NIGHT
Wednesdays - Anchor Steam $3 pints ALL NIGHT
Thursdays - Sierra Nevada IPA  $3Pints ALL NIGHT

Framboise Lambic
Belgian Raspberry wheat..like a glass of fresh berries

Fuller's London Pride
"this brew goes down as one of the greatest..bliss in a bottle. Fuller's flagship brew. A true ale-drinkers ale. 87" Beer Advocate

Rogue Shakespeare Stout
4 time World Beer Champion..."Best of 1500 Beers" Beer Lover's Rating Guide..."balanced to perfection, a sheer delight, 91" Beer Advocate

Rogue Black Brutal 07        
Brewmaster John Maier is brewing small batches of new ales and old favorites available only on tap at selected bars..this is the latest offering.
 a dark verison of Brutal Bitter with some degree of variation from the first Black Brutal recipe (aka, SkullSplitter). Black Brutal 2007 is mahogany in color with a smooth roasted malt flavor and agressive bitterness.

Rogue Dead Guy Ale
"Delicious to say the least ... an all around prize ale crafted very well. Great use of hops and malt 87" BA
(The Oregon Rogues GRATEFULLY acknowledge the populartiy of the brew amongst fams of a certain jamband)

Rogue Hazelnut Brown
5 time World Beer Champion...Those Oregon Rogues make a real Brown Ale with hazelnut extract from the Willamette Valley BA 89

Stella Artois
Belgium's biggest selling brew, a pilsner style lager familiar to all European tourists

Sierra Nevada Pale
"American Classic"M.Jackson

Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse
88 BA- refreshing pure German wheat beer from Spaten  dry,spicy full bodied brew

Pilsner Urquell
the original Pilsner beer from Pilsen, Czech Republic

Newcastle Brown
first northern British brown

Fuller's ESB
3 time Champion of Britaina hugely complex beer "A supreme ESB, and a superb beer overall. 88" BA

Anchor Steam
San Francisco's unique  brewing style that's a cross between a lager and an ale

Millstream Wheat
from the local Amana,Iowa brewery.a true "Flussiges Brot" or liquid bread.. a light and zesty beer.

Guinness Stout
from St. James Gate brewery

Black & Tan
Half Guinness-Half Sierra Pale

BA ratings from Beer Advocate